I found the perfect way to get Shuma to hold still for a Fashion Show picture: stick him in one of the fold-down baby seats found in public restroom stalls. OK, there must be a name for those. Or maybe not, as I don't remember seeing them in Canada- maybe it's a Japan thing? If so that's a shame, because they sure are handy. And not just for taking pictures.
The focal point of this outfit is these frog legwarmers, and the froggy theme continues to his shoes. Which is totally accidental, because Shuma does not have a closet full of shoes featuring different animals that he can match to each outfit.
He was all dressed up for lunch with a friend at Sizzler, which I think is an American chain and I get the impression that it's not really a place people dress up for in its native land. But in Japan a salad bar is a rare and wonderful thing, especially for a toddler learning to eat. I never know what to expect: one day he'll eat everything we feed him, the next he won't want anything but cucumbers. Or pears, or spaghetti, or whatever little food fad he's following at the time. Of course when he decides he loves a particular food I'm happy to feed him just that- as long as he's eating, right? And as soon as he notices I've stocked up on it, he'll suddenly stop liking it. Is every toddler like this?
So at the salad bar he gamely tried a few different things before he noticed the edamame on my plate, which I knew to be one of his favourite foods and was trying to hide, in hopes that he'd eat a variety of food. So I had to give in and give him some, and that was it- he didn't eat a single other thing. Just piles and piles of edamame.
All that bean-eating is hard work, so he had a little nap while the grown-ups had dessert. Hmm, maybe if I indulged his edamame habit more often he'd turn into a regular napper...
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